Thursday, June 4, 2015

Next Level Shit

Bathroom Upgrades

As you may have guessed from the title, this is another post about the bathroom.

Its just a few updates, you know, to take it to the next level.

Instead of running around the house looking for discarded-in-random-places jewelry, I can now procrastinate a few extra minutes knowing its all hanging out on the bathroom wall:

DIY Jewlery Hanger

 I followed this tutorial, although my attempt with picture hangers was a fail and instead I used 3M Command Strips.

So did y'all know that all the photography from the Hubble Space Telescope was public domain? I slapped a line from a favorite hymn on one photo and ordered a large print from Shutterfly.


The motivation for this was a large black frame with mat that was gathering dust in my closet. Now my closet is completely empty of random frames (insert sarcastic tone). I'm a maximalist and the smallish Clare Elsaesser print wasn't cutting it.

Hubble Telescope Art
In case you run out of reading material, there is always this poster.

DIY Necklace Holder
Clare is catching sun over near the jewelry blocks.

Also, I never shared what I used for our towel hooks. I picked up some copper fittings from the hardware store and drilled some cut dowel rods into the studs. The fittings slipped over the dowel rods where they now happily hold our towels between showers and baths.

DIY Copper Fitting HardwareDIY Towel Hook

And then last but not least, I wanna shout out to my homeboy, Pete. We may not always see eye to eye on interior design, but at least he contributes:

Husband Decorating